October 30, 2009

Patterns of energy

Every thought we think covers a mental pattern of energy. So when we think we are actually calling forward different patterns of energy. When we talk we create a mental pattern of energy in our selves and the person or persons we are talking to. The patterns are not neccessarily the same because the mental energy pattern that a word covers can differ from person to person. Beliefs are energy patterns we tend to hold on to and it is what creates our lives.
Our bodies our also created from energypatterns and the same kind of energy our thoughts covers. So we can make changes to our bodies by changing beliefs. 

October 17, 2009

Money as a referencepoint for manifestation

Dear readers

Lately I have worked a lot with trying to manifest money in a situation where what I am manifesting is: I have no money and I can't even pay my bills and I have no income.

Manifestation is an easy inbuilt feature of creturehood.  If you do not manifest you do not exist. The mere act of existing is a manifestation in it self. You manifest your body and your circumstances, that is the life your living, the thoughts you're thinking, the relationships you're in, the material world around you and your feeling and emotional states. Your beliefs is what you see manifested all around you, and beliefs structure your living experience. Emotions and feelings are what fuels your manifestations.

What you experiencing right now is where you put your focus of attention, and if you do not like what you are presently manifesting  you might consider changing your focus of attention elsewhere.

Now sometimes there are beliefs about our selves, others and the world that blocks us from manifesting what we truly want to see manifested in our lives. These blocks can be removed by finding and changing the beliefs or belief systems that block us from manifesting what we want in life.

Or rather: beliefs has an energy structure of emotions and feelings attached to them
Beliefs are thoughts that is placed in space- time as expectations. You might recall what happened once in a situation and you expect the same circumstances to be created again with the same mode of action, in the future. A belief could be: after night, day comes. That belief is based on empiric data and is a quite nice belief that woks well on this planet, and we are conditioned with that from our parents and our experience, and there is no need to tamper with it.

A belief that I would like to tamper with is the belief: I have no money, if I don't do something that I don't want to do.

Well the story about how I ended in the situation where I do not have any money, goes like this: I was studiing and got an income from that. I found out that I got what I needed from the study and then stopped it because not following my impulses  was making me ill. So I followed my impulses on doing something more creative and money stopped coming.
My current expectation is that when the people in my life find out that I have stopped they will disrespect me, and this is one of the things that really frightens me about this situation: other peoples reactions.

'you did not do what you should. You are a loser and a failure, because you do not follow through and can't make money to provide for your self. You should do what is expected of you. If you don't we wont give you anything.

My situation with no money has nothing to do with money, money is just a brilliant reference point for manifestation.  But is about what I belief of others beliefs about me. The situation manifested is just from a belief that I did do something wrong, and that I will be punished for it.

Personally I feel that I am doing the right thing following my impulses, but there are beliefs in my mind that counteracts it. Or rather judgements of right and wrong, acceptance and exclusion, and being a 'nice' person.

Now there is no rights and wrongs just likes and dislikes, that got a promotion, from  guilt.

Another belief system  attached to this situation was a system which had a life of its own. It was a personality character that tried to get attention and pads on the shoulders, but since doing what that personality believed was what others expected did not got the attention and shoulderpads it wanted, it started on a path that leads to a different kind of attention: Pity and an impetus to help this poor loser.

I took the energy out of this personality belief system even though it was difficult because I felt a lot of compassion. And I promised that I would get attention of others by fulfilling on the purpose of my

Now I have cleared away some blocks, and I will ask my self what I want to create:

The beliefs I want to see manifested right now is the belief that: I am working with my life purpose in a state of deep inner peace and joy, and money is coming to me in streams, and my bills are easily met. I am surrounded by respect and love.

I will keep you posted on my progress in this area.

Love BenedikteEva


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This is an opportunity to learn and share magic.

Magic is the art of creating your own reality and it is the way the universe works.

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Love BenedikteEva