January 23, 2010

Dream about the art of levitation.

I had a dream recently where I was taught how to levitate. Levitation is almost like flying but the difference between levitation and flying is basically that with flying you use a physical power to counteract gravity to a certain extent, with levitation you actually use your energy field to move your self around in the energy field surrounding the planet in a vertical and sideways manner.

The method to levitate is to start running. If you're a runner or just a being who runs sometimes, then you probably know that feeling; the feeling of almost not touching the ground with your feet. Run like the wind.

This feeling of not touching the ground is the beginning of levitation. Now in my dream I ended up running up walls of houses in a small dessert town I visited, and instead of falling down when I ran up the walls I ended up looping through the air to the house on the other side of the street.

Later in my lesson I ran out of town in the air and got higher and higher up through the air. I recall it as being a completely thrilling experience, and something everybody should do, just for the sheer joy of it.Not to show of to an eager public because it does look kind of foolish. Normally when I think of levitation, I think of some bald headed Bhuddist monks sitting in a perfect lotus position hovering 10 cm above ground, rather peaceful. Well there is nothing peaceful about my experience just as there is nothing peaceful about a roller coaster ride. The problem is that I do not know what to do with my arms. If you have ever seen the episode of 'Friends' where Phoebe and Rachel try running together and Phoebe runs in a totally crazy manner, well levitation when I do it in my dreams is something similar. But it is so much fun.
I did get some good advice from my levitation teacher, whom I never really met:
1. Always start levitation from the ground; because if you suddenly stop believing, that you can levitate, when you have just thrown your self out from the Eiffel tower, you might find your self having a quite unpleasant encounter with the ground.
2. If you are moving fast, keep your mouth closed. (I don't know why I got this. Maybe the teacher really meant: wear goggles).
3. I do not remember this, but my advice is to practice. i mean running is quite healthy so you really can't lose; except perhaps some excess weight from Christmas.

Love and a great levitation